I am a seasoned journalist with a decade of experience writing about a broad range of issues for U.S. and global news outlets. Early on in my career, I focused on business, social justice and the media industry, but at the moment I mostly write about EU policy, tech regulation and legal activism. I’ve written for leading business titles like Bloomberg Tax and Law.com International, for specialised publications like The Parliament and International Politics & Society, as well as for more generalist outlets like The New European, Deutsche Welle, EUObserver and USA Today. I’m a graduate of Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism. I also occasionally write articles in Dutch.

You can find a selection of published stories below.

EU policy:

Crossing the Line? How Law Firms ‘Lobby’ EU Institutions in the Shadows (Law.com International)

Is the EU’s consultation process broken? (The Parliament)

Big is an Understatement’: Why App Developers Are Choosing the EU in Battle Against Apple (Law.com International)

Europeans scramble for bank access due to US threats (Deutsche Welle)

Is the Energy Charter Treaty at odds with a green future? (The Parliament)

EU Proposals About Money, Not Tax Fairness: Former OECD Official (Bloomberg Tax)

Legal activism:

How the Netherlands Became Europe’s Prime Class Action Jurisdiction (Law.com International)

The Dutch Government Stole Millions From Moms of Color. She’s Getting It Back (OZY)

Could the repeal of a US basketball hijab ban provide a playbook for other legal victories? (Equal Times)

Dutch Unions’ Chevron Tax Complaint May Have Ripple Effect (Bloomberg Tax)

Social justice:

Who really benefits from corporate-run women’s empowerment programmes? (Equal Times)

Who will fill gap left by Soros’ Open Society Foundations? (EUObserver)

Lawyers of Color on Working in Big Law in Belgium: 'I'm Experiencing Racism on a Day-to-Day Basis' (Law.com International)

Trump’s battle against civil rights (International Politics and Society)

When will the EU put Black Europeans on the political agenda? (Equal Times)

Thanks to an age-dependent minimum wage, young Dutch workers are both over the hill and barely keeping their heads above water (Equal Times)

Media industry and freelancing:

Dutch freelancers sue media company over low rates (IJNet)

Should a Journalist Be Able To Attend a #BlackLivesMatter Protest As a Civilian? (Media Diversity Institute)

Easy-to-understand news overview improves accessibility in Austria (IJNet)

Dutch website helps journalists better understand freelancer agreements (IJNet)